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What makes an education at Summit unique?Summit Christian Academy’s uniqueness centers on our commitment to combine academic excellence with Christian education. Dr. Roy W. Lowrie, Jr. said, “No child should incur an academic penalty to get a Christian education.” Our school was founded by teachers and parents that have experienced and taught in both the public and private school environment. We seek to implement the best of each experience in order to create a holistic education with a Christ-centered focus.
Do I have to attend church for my child to attend?Church attendance is not required as part of our admissions acceptance; however, if you do not already have a home church, we would love to see you! Our Sunday Worship Experience is held on Sundays at 10am in our main auditorium. We are a contemporary, inter-denominational church, a family with many different stories, but one thing in common: a heart for God, for people, for our community, and ourworld! Learn more at
What is the value of Christian education?Chuck Lincoln is a local business owner of 40 years and long-time supporter of Christian education. He is the proud father of 5 Christian school graduates. In this video he answers the question, "What is the value of Christian education?" Watch to learn more!
How does a student's faith grow at Summit?In this video, Mrs. Harvey answers the question, "How does a student's faith grow at Summt?" Watch the video to learn more!
What grades does Summit offer?Summit Christian Academy is proud to offer Preschool-6th Grade.
What are the age requirements for Preschool and Kindergarten?Students must be 3 by or before September 1st of the enrolling year to attend Preschool. In addition to the age requirement, students must be fully potty-trained. Students must be 5 by or before September 1st of the enrolling year to attend Kindergarten.
What are the school hours?All full-time students meet from 8:50-3:20 Monday-Friday.
Is there a Before and After School Care program?Students enrolled in Summit Christian Academy may utilize our Before and After Care program. Cost: $5 an hour Before School: 7am-8:45 After School: 3:30pm-6pm
Is there a school uniform?Students in Kindergarten-6th Grade are required to wear school uniform Monday-Friday. Students in Preschool are only required to wear uniform (Chapel Attire) on Wednesdays. Click here to view our school uniform:
Are volunteer hours required?At Summit, we are committed to partnering with parents in the pursuit to raise world-changers. With this in mind, parent involvement is key! Parents are required to volunteer a minimum of 10 hours throughout the school year. There are so many amazing ways to fulfill this requirement! Families may contact our Volunteer Coordinator through Class Dojo to learn more.
What curriculum does Summit follow?Summit Christian Academy strives to provide the best possible educational experience to students. Our teachers draw from a variety of teaching approaches such as hands-on learning, memorization, direct instruction, cooperative learning, and technology to help address the individual needs of learners. Spiritual education occurs through daily Bible lessons and weekly chapel. A Biblical world view is interwoven throughout all subjects on a routine basis. Ultimately, Our goal is to cultivate an environment for Christ to be present, inviting Him to be the center of every aspect of our school. After rigorous and focused research, we are excited to implement a variety of curriculum programs including BJUPress, Zaner-Bloser, DeepRoots, Friendzy, and Mystery Science.
Can we donate to Summit?We are committed to making a difference in our community! Your financial gift is greatly appreciated. Financial gifts can be submitted by check to Summit Christian Academy or given electronically. To learn more, visit:
Does Summit offer Specials?Yes! We offer weekly Summit Specials: Library, Art, Music, P.E., and SEL.
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